Sunday, May 6, 2012


free 6 side dishes

steamed egg

chicken bulgogi

soju (korean alcohol drink--drink it through a shot glass)

This is my first time to dine in a korean restaurant. Im pretty impressed with how generous they are on the servings. In this restaurant, the interior  was just ok. It was kinda plain. I didn't really have that "korean feel" when i got in the place except that they have this lcd tv thats plays korean shows(i really didnt mind it because i dont understand it). Since its my first to dine here. The food was okay. I was full when i left the place. I cant really comment because i dont have something to compare to. So this made me conclude that i shall dine to korean restaurant more often. Im looking forward to more korean cuisine adventures.. THIS IS THE START! :)

Thursday, May 3, 2012

samsung galaxy s3

samsung galaxy s3 was finally launched in london last May 3.

with its new look and features please check their website.--->  samsung galaxy s3


could the next iphone 5 beat the new samsung galaxy s3?


 they have their own pasta bar

 i had two rounds of this (very good)

entree, apo view hotel
davao city